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WhatsApp Image 2021-01-07 at 12.11.35 PM

Plughathon is a movement that connects people to innovative technologies and career changing decisions. Plughathon is a technology-oriented  implementation service that puts you on the technology roadmap. Plughathon does it all: plugs you in, gives you a better perspective. Plughathon is the movement.  

I'm an IT guy, I love tech. A list of my findings, quests and interests can be found on my CV. Here I'll tell you some not so boring stuff about myself. I don't consider myself a geek but I'm usually accused on a regular basis. I'm foreign but I've never travelled across the Nigerian border.  I love to shake people up and inspire them for free (someday I'll monetize it because "Beb" advises me so). I have an awesome personality chatting but act shy in person (I tend to want to be familiar with people and places before my alter ego shows up). I feel people's energy a lot (Now you know why I'll vibe in a chat more ). I believe in consistency as a way to harness a skill. I don't want to have any regrets when I'm 80 years old so I'll have to hold a PhD at "least" and inspire the world with my awesomeness through all my skills and talents.  We're not burying no talent, nothing is following us back to the grave. I'm spending all my talents and gifts here. By the way, I started a movement : plughathon. It is a lifelong dream and everything is summarized into plughathon. I'd previously attempted so many things but Plughathon is where God's oil is so here goes: The plug of Plughathon. 



Azure Compute, Identities, Networking, App Services, Storage, Powershell & JSON.


Product roadmaps, Market research, ideating, prototyping, acceptance testing, and market go-live.

Slack, teams, Productplan, Balsamiq, Figma, Microsoft projects, etc.


An important factor in succeeding and keeping healthy work relationships is collaboration. Tools such as Slack, teams, zoom are best utilized for this purpose. Being an innovation intrusive enthusiast, I use and update my collaboration tools list as regularly as possible.


To further appreciate collaboration I adopt the agile methodology to bring to life the best products at a cost-effective rate. This iterative method of product development improves on products till satisfaction is reached. 


I carry out research based on problem domains and achievable objectives of research results. I then visualize the research in a standard publishable paper or report as the client or research conference may entail. 


Successful Go-live of Financial products depends on standardized and tested implementation models. These can be achieved through proper project planning and execution. Usage of support ticket management systems like JIRA is also an advantage.

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